About Us
over 40 years of experience

Our philosophy
High Quality materials …
Wood is a high-density material and it’s naturally non-resonant, which results in minimal sound distortions. It offers natural sound-absorbing properties, capturing the sound thanks to its porous structure.
The cellular structure of wood, the lignin matrix enables its viscoelastic behavior and allows it to dissipate energy and damp vibrations in a greater capacity and in a better way than other materials such as steel, glass, aluminum or even rubber.
Its network of small interlocking wood cells converts sound energy into heat energy by frictional resistance within these cells. Wood has also a special aesthetic value as it connects us to our origins in nature and conveys a sensation of comfort, warmth and protection, in short of being at home.
We use birch plywood as the core material for our racks because of its structural strength and excellent acoustic properties. The compact and cross-banded layers of plywood, make it resistant to decay and ensure that weight is distributed evenly, as well as enable the sound, vibrations and reverberations to flow through its pattern and gradually be absorbed and dissipated.